Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How to Find the Best Mouthwash That Suits You

In many cases bad breath can be cured - that's the good news. Many oral hygiene experts recommend using mouth wash before you go to sleep and after brushing your teeth because it has natural antiseptic agents that can prevent mouth bacteria from spreading and lead to gingivitis.You can also find products with fluoride in it to help removing any remaining food in your teeth and prevent cavities from coming. Use it once or twice a day to get the maximum use from it.

Only thing you should be aware if it contains alcohol in its ingredients as alcohol tends to keep your mouth even drier and cannot be used to stop bad breath.And we all know dry mouth can lead to more bacteria in your mouth. Use alcohol free mouth wash and from trusted and approved brands like Listerine, Colgate, Crest and AMPM.
Usually you can find samples in the supermarket to try before you buy.

The Truth About Mouthwash

Listerine has been rated by American Dental Association and is a popular choice.While people say Scope has the best taste, other brands like Rembrandts, Targon and Listermint also have decent popularity. You will get a bit of sensation in your mouth when using mouth wash. This is normal reaction but for many who cannot stand the effect can pick softer mouth wash designed to have a slightly less harsh in your mouth.

The mouth washes can reach spots that toothbrush and dental floss could not and still comes in wide variety of flavours to suit you. Pick the one you like. And it only takes 30 to 60 seconds to get it all done. Mouth wash is an effective and great add-on to the usual dental care to stop bad breath.
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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Choosing the Best Mouthwash to Get Rid of Bad Breath

Under normal conditions a mouthwash should help clear bad breath because it helps kill bacteria in the mouth and make it smell fresh. Sometimes, however, some kinds of mouthwash serve to aggravate the bad breath problem.

The reason for this is simple: some mouthwashes contain alcohol and if you are already having a bad breath problem the alcohol in the mouthwash aggravates the problem. It dries out the saliva which keeps your mouth moist and, in a dry mouth, bacteria thrive. If you need to use a mouthwash, do use an alcohol free one.

Do not forget to drink plenty of water along with your meal and even otherwise, because water hydrates you and flushes your mouth and your system. If you are eating with other people and do not have a toothbrush with you, you can go the restroom and rinse out your mouth with water and spit it out.

The water loosens the food debris which may be stuck between your teeth and any food residue in your mouth as well. If you are with family and friends and you cannot, for any given reason, go to a restroom, you can do it at the table, except do not spit out the water, but swallow it.

Mouthwashes work to a limited extent and they will work best when used in conjunction with regular brushing and flossing schedules. You should brush your teeth at least twice daily, morning and night and in between as well if possible. When you brush, clean your teeth, gums, tongue and your whole mouth very well.

You should brush for at least 20 seconds, though some dentists recommend brushing for up to two minutes for it to be effective. Apart from brushing twice daily at the very least rinse your mouth after every meal with water or a mouthwash.

Actually brushing after every meal is recommended, and flossing should be done once or twice a day. Do not forget to change your toothbrush at least once every 2-3 months to prevent bacterial build-up. Bacteria can cause bad breath and also illnesses like strep throat.

What kind of toothbrush should you use, what kind of dental floss is best for you? You should ask the dentist these questions and buy the products accordingly. Keep to a schedule regarding seeing a dentist on a regular basis and not wait till you have a problem.

Apart from that you should also see the dentist immediately if you do have any problem like a cavity, pain or any other problem. Cavities should be taken care of quickly otherwise they can lead to bigger problems.

You should also take the advice of your dentist as to which toothpaste will be good for you. Sometimes dentists recommend particular toothpastes depending on the teeth and requirements of the dentist. Toothpastes with fluoride, baking soda or peroxide are usually good bets. Flosses also come in different types and your dentist can advise you which one to take.

These oral care products will help keep your teeth and mouth healthy and clean. There are teeth whitening treatments also available over the counter and your dentist can advise you if you need one. All these will help limit chances of infection in the mouth which can cause bad breath.

It is most important to keep your mouth clean and healthy not only to prevent bad breath but also reduce the possibility of getting gum disease or even preventing oral cancers. If you go to the dentist regularly, you will limit your likelihood of getting cavities, having to get teeth removed or root canals one.

Dental work costs a lot and may also be unpleasant and hurt you. If you take care of your teeth, you may never need to wear dentures!
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